Gimpo, South Korea
GPS 'Her Story'
여성인권진흥원 기금, 글렌데일시 협조로 진행
관련 홈페이지
일본군 성노예 문제에 대한 일반인 이해도 증대 및 비대면시에도 진행할 수 있는 GPS를 활용한 교육 프로그램 진행
본인의 핸드폰으로 지역을 오가며 관련된 소녀상에 대한 스토리를 음성으로 들을 수 있도록 하여 그 의미와 중요성을 알린다.
HERSTORY is an art and education initiative to speak about the Comfort Women issue in general and Glendale’s Comfort Woman Peace Statue in Central Park in particular. It is GPS-based Augmented Reality geo-mapping project that will bring the stories of Comfort Women on an app that is accessible on smartphones. Using the HERSTORY app, viewers will not only get information about the history of Comfort Women and the Peace Statue but through interactive media art they will experience a unique sound-image-text world about this issue. When a specific GPS zone is crossed, a new story will activate on the HERSTORY app. Each zone will be marked by signage on the ground that clarifies the experience zone. The signage will also include QR codes that will bring some of the AR experience to audiences who do not download the HERSTORY app.